What are YOUR Core Needs?

Wouldn’t you love to know what triggers you 85% of the time?

It is a core need, and your unconscious mind knows it very well. If you don’t know it, it runs your life.

You can get free of unconscious triggers.

Discover how to make your life and the lives of those around you more wonderful.

In this Playshop, you will be able to answer the following questions.

  • Why do you behave as you do?
  • What is your greatest gift?
  • What is your greatest fear?
  • What drives you?

This highly interactive Playshop will ask you to connect to your most frequent feelings to discover the core needs currently running your life.

With this information, you will be able to consciously take control of your life to create wonder and connection.

This training is based on Marshall Rosenberg's training in the early 2000s. Of those I have taught, 100% report profound clarity in understanding their core needs and responding to their triggers.

That is why I guarantee satisfaction for you. I will give you free a 60 minute 1 on 1 session to get you there.

This Online Playshop will take place on June 26th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mountain Time.

Invest $100.00 in your happiness.

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Abe Lincoln

What people are saying about Pan's training.

After taking Pan`s "Needs" course, I feel far more empowered to navigate skillfully with people who matter to me the most, creating a deeper sense of connection and meaning in the relationships. I also am now more educated in NVC than before, and with this knowledge, I am able to connect in an authentic and clear way with any person I come in contact with, which has helped in creating clear & healthy interactions with others.

Thanks, Pan,

Rick - Santa Fe"


"I found this training to be more helpful than I ever expected. I learned how to apply NVC principles and be able to recognize my feelings, identify my needs, and make honest, connected requests. I was able to practice giving and receiving empathy. I feel that my time was totally well spent here today, and I have new confidence in my ability to connect with my partner.

I found Pan to be an exceptional coach who was able to discern what I was trying to express and help me state it in “giraffe talk.” I found him to be knowledgeable, supportive, and kind.

He was able to mentor what connection is about. Found him to be open and accepting. Felt very comfortable and accepted and “seen for whom I am” by the instructor. Thanks, so much Pan, for such a valuable day."


"When Pan discussed the principle and purpose behind NVC, I felt energized because my need for connection was being met.

What I have learned about NVC so far resonates with me; this communication technique so far resonates with me.

This communication technique helps me connect with others and recognize our shared values. Thank You."


"Very helpful-

The role plays were extremely helpful for real life. The empathy was life changing-I have always been a “Miss Fix-it” and have known it was not effective. Now I have a new skill to help my loved ones hurting and anyone who needs empathy.

I loved watching Pan practice empathy with people in the group.

I am very grateful and hopeful as I step into the world after this training. The most valuable aspect of Pan’s training for me was witnessing him model the use of NVC with our group.

Pan did an excellent job responding to the questions and offering useful and meaningful insights into the use of NVC.

I felt both comfortable and connected throughout this training- Pan did a lovely job creating and fostering an atmosphere of safety and growth. Thank you so much for offering the gift of this work to the world."


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